Up-Side-Down, alebo nauč sa balancovať na rukách a hlave (workshop) - podujatie na tickpo-sk

Up-Side-Down, alebo nauč sa balancovať na rukách a hlave (workshop)

by Nikola Tokarčíková Základné info: Hotel Pressburg,Antolská 2,Bratislava,Slovenská republika
03. november, 2019 | ne | 10:00 Pridaj do kalendára


Chceš vedieť balancovať na rukách a hlave? Alebo zažiť svoje prvé inverzné pozície? Ak áno tento workshop je pre teba. Dojdi na intenzívny kurz, ktorý bude otočený úplne naopak. 
Workshop bude vedený v anglickom jazyku, lektorkou Teagan, ktorá prišla z Tasmánie.

Whether you are getting upside down for the first time, or you are an experienced invert-er looking to spice up your skills, this workshop has something for all.

We will begin by warming and opening our bodies with a vinyasa-based flow, before exploring various tools and techniques aimed to build on the strength, flexibility and balance required to get you feeling more comfortable and competent on your head and your hands. Finally there will be the option to play with further variations and transitions, before we all soften into a slow and stretchy cool-down and deep final relaxation.

Teagan is an arm balance and up-side-down enthusiast from the land down under - Tasmania, Australia. Tea found yoga at age 15, and at a time, she could barely hold a plank, let alone dream of a crow or a headstand. After over eight years of practice, she has experienced first-hand how to build strength, mobility (and the right attitude) from the ground up, and now feels more comfortable on her head than on her feet. Tea loves nothing more than getting to share yoga, particularly the wonderful world of inversions and arm balances, with others. She firmly believes that everybody can benefit from and find ease in, spending some time upside down.

So come along to flip your perspective (literally), develop new skills, get a bit playful and creative - and most importantly, to have fun!


Miesto konania eventu

Hotel Pressburg,Antolská 2,Bratislava,Slovenská republika

Pozrieť na mape

Kontakt na organizátora

Nikola Tokarčíková


Fakturačné údaje

Nikola Tokarčíková

Škoricová 2,
90046 Most pri Bratislave
Slovenská republika




Chceš vedieť balancovať na rukách a hlave? Alebo zažiť svoje prvé inverzné pozície? Ak áno tento workshop je pre teba. Dojdi na intenzívny kurz, ktorý bude otočený úplne naopak. 
Workshop bude vedený v anglickom jazyku, lektorkou Teagan, ktorá prišla z Tasmánie.

Whether you are getting upside down for the first time, or you are an experienced invert-er looking to spice up your skills, this workshop has something for all.

We will begin by warming and opening our bodies with a vinyasa-based flow, before exploring various tools and techniques aimed to build on the strength, flexibility and balance required to get you feeling more comfortable and competent on your head and your hands. Finally there will be the option to play with further variations and transitions, before we all soften into a slow and stretchy cool-down and deep final relaxation.

Teagan is an arm balance and up-side-down enthusiast from the land down under - Tasmania, Australia. Tea found yoga at age 15, and at a time, she could barely hold a plank, let alone dream of a crow or a headstand. After over eight years of practice, she has experienced first-hand how to build strength, mobility (and the right attitude) from the ground up, and now feels more comfortable on her head than on her feet. Tea loves nothing more than getting to share yoga, particularly the wonderful world of inversions and arm balances, with others. She firmly believes that everybody can benefit from and find ease in, spending some time upside down.

So come along to flip your perspective (literally), develop new skills, get a bit playful and creative - and most importantly, to have fun!




Hotel Pressburg,Antolská 2,Bratislava,Slovenská republika

Pozrieť na mape

Kontakt na organizátora

Nikola Tokarčíková


Fakturačné údaje

Nikola Tokarčíková

Nikola Tokarčíková
Škoricová 2
90046 Most pri Bratislave